MEMBERSHIP entitles you to discounts on your ticket to qualifying events, plus free-for-members concerts! Pay once and your membership never expires!
NOTE: We use PayPal as a payment gateway– but you can always pay with your credit card!!
Once you are on the PayPal page, scroll down and select the "Pay with credit card" option.
If you prefer, you can mail a check to:
Taos Jazz Bebop Society, PO Box 2044, Taos, NM 987571
Be sure to tell us your email and mailing address!
Join us now…and your membership never expires!
Your memberships and donations keep jazz thriving in Taos!
SINGLE–Lifetime Membership
100$COUPLE - Lifetime Membership
or "In-Kind Donor"
Your generosity will be rewarded in the following ways–
You will be thanked from the stage at every performance, your logo or name will be displayed on the Sponsors page of our website, and your gift will be acknowledged in our print advertising and Press Releases.
Please contact us at info@taosjazz.org if you're interested in this option.
… Any Amount You Can Afford

PayPal accepts all major debit and credit cards! You don't need a PayPal account to donate!
Click on "Donate With PayPal" – then scroll down and select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"
If you prefer to mail your donation, make checks payable to:
Taos Jazz Bebop Society
PO Box 2044, Taos NM 87571.
Taos Jazz Bebop Society is a 501c3 non-profit corporation.
Your gift in any amount is tax deductible.