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Whenever kids have a real hands-on experience…
they get excited about jazz!

Schoolhouse Jazz!

Music is the universal language– but jazz improvisation is something most kids don't get to hear very often. So an essential part of our mission is to find ways to get kids involved with jazz music and musicians early and as often as possible. To that end, we offer in-school music workshops and special youth concerts with visiting artists whenever possible. 

Taos Jazz Bebop Society's Schoolhouse Jazz program was rolled out in 2022. Above are some highlights. It's exciting to see how engaged and interested these kids are when we can introduce them to jazz in ways that get them involved and connected. With support from donors interested in this part of our mission, there will be much more to come.

When you help us, we help you… with a free ticket to our shows! Are you computer-savvy? Do you know photoshop? Do you like to drive? Assist at concerts? Let us know what you have in mind! 






We are not currently accepting any solicitations from artists or management

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Taos Jazz Bebop Society   •   PO BOX 2044,  Taos, NM 87571

©2023 Taos Jazz Bebop Society. All rights reserved. Taos Jazz Bebop Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Tax ID: 47-2719636

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